Alamo City Game Convention

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I sign up for games ahead of time?
Yes! Signups for individual games are NOW OPEN, but will close on March 29. You must have your admission to the con in order to sign up for games.
(This question is by far our most frequently asked.)

3. What about "tickets"?
Same answer as #2 above. This is the Table Top Events term for signups for individual games or events at the con.

5. I really love this idea. We need a convention like this in San Antonio. How can I help?
These are essential: a) Register for the convention. b) Reserve a room at La Quinta. Our biggest financial need is to fill our required block of room reservations. c) Talk this up among friends and networks. The con will be more fun if you come with some friends anyway. d) Run a game. You are reading this because you love at least one type of game. Choose something you'd enjoy teaching and leading others through. e) Volunteer for general needs of the con. We need to have over 80 volunteers to make this thing incredible. Contact us and we'll try to find the best match of convention needs with your skills and interests. f) Make other connections. Do you have contacts with a game company, store or club that might want to participate? Hook us up.

7. If I GM or volunteer, is there a discounted rate?
Yes. If you provide 8 hours total for these roles, we will happily refund half the cost of your weekend admission. If you want to go beyond that, you can volunteer and/or GM for a total of 12 hours to have your entire admission refunded.

2. Why do you call admission to the con “badges”?
We didn't create the name, and (shhh!) don't really like that name. We are doing our registration and game signups through Table Top Events. Their platform was created specifically to help organizers run a game con. The registration and signup systems would be VERY difficult or expensive to create from scratch. So, we are now OK calling admission passes “badges” at least for this weekend.

4. OK, speaking of Table Top Events, what's with the extra charge?
When we saw all that their site provided for us as organizers, we knew we needed to go with it. They make money by adding a small percentage on top of any fees that go through the reg site.

6. I have an even greater stake in seeing this convention thrive. Can I invest beyond those basic ways?
There are people choosing to pay full price rather than the early bird discounts. Similarly, about half of our volunteers are paying full rate rather than free entry to help us get established in this first year. That's nice! A few people have asked about putting money in to help us. That's amazing, and above and beyond, yet very much appreciated. There is no way to set up something like that through the web site, but contact us if you are thinking along those lines.

8. My child likes to play games. Is this convention appropriate?
One of our goals is to make this convention comfortable and welcoming to everyone. We would love for gamers to feel genuinely comfortable having their kids come with them. Parents are 100% responsible for their children at all times. We do not have anyone available or qualified to provide childcare.